Results for 'Wladyslaw Jozef Stankiewicz'

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  1.  1
    Relativism: thoughts and aphorisms.Wladyslaw Jozef Stankiewicz - 1972 - West Chesterfield, N.H.,: Girs Press.
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    „Wiara oświeconych”. Uwagi metodologiczne o rozprawie Władysława Witwickiego oraz kilka przykładów stosunku „oświeconych” do Boga i wiary.Anna Brożek - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (1):35-63.
    The first part of the article contains a logical reconstruction and a methodological analysis of some aspects of the famous Władysław Witiwcki’s work “Faith of Enlightened”. In particular, the classifications of believers and the principles of these classifications are analyzed; methodological errors committed by Witwicki are indicated. In the second part of the text, Witwicki's distinctions are illustrated by attitudes towards God and faith represented by four representatives of the Lvov-Warsaw School: Kazimierz Twardowski, Jan Łukasiewicz, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, and Józef Maria (...)
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    Lectures on Polish Value Theory.Czeslaw Porebski - 2019 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Władysław Stróżewski.
    This book introduces an important chapter of Polish 20th century philosophy, by analyzing the studies that contributed to value theory; i.e. the studies of Kazimierz Twardowski, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Roman Ingarden, Henryk Elzenberg, Maria Ossowska, and Józef Maria Bocheński.
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    The First Polish Translation of Kant’s The Contest of the Faculties in the Collections of Vilnius University Library.Kinga Kaśkiewicz & Tomasz Kupś - 2018 - Problemos 94:134.
    [full article, abstract in English; only abstract in Lithuanian] The collection of Vilnius University Library contains an incomplete, anonymous manuscript of a Polish translation of The Contest of the Faculties by Immanuel Kant. Numerous features of the manuscript confirm that it is a fragment of the lost translation by Józef Władysław Bychowiec, one of the most important popularisers of Immanuel Kant’s philosophy in Poland and Lithuania at the beginning of the 19th century. The manuscript is the earliest known work by (...)
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  5. Hortus (In)Conclusus. Polska i Ukraina: rozmowy o filozofii i literaturze (En - Hortus (In)Conclusus. Poland and Ukraine: Talks on Philosophy Literature).Anton Marczyński (ed.) - 2017 - Warsaw, Poland: Barbara Skarga Foundation for Thinking.
    EN: Selection of Marczyński's interviews on philosophy and literature which were recorded in early 2007 for the purpose of his radio broadcast "Hortus (In)Conclusus." Includes interviews with: Marek Bieńczyk, Józef Bremer, Ihor Byczko, Andrij Dachnij, Anna Dziedzic, Mateusz Falkowski, Tadeusz Gadacz, Michał Głowiński, Dorota Hall, Serhij Jospenko, Wachtang Kebuładze, Zbigniew Kloch, Andrzej Kołakowski, Wasyl Lisowyj, Ołeksandr Majewskyj, Anton Marczynski, Julia Marczyńska, Wadym Menżulin, Zbigniew Mikołejko, Monika Milewska, Andrij Okara, Ihor Paśko, Adam Pomorski, Myrosła Popowycz, Jerzy Prokopiuk, Iryna Puchta, Barbara Skarga, (...)
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    Correspondence Principle and Growth of Science.W. Krajewski & Władysław Krajewski - 1977 - Springer.
    This book is devoted to the problems of the growth of science. These prob lems, neglected for a long time by the philosophers of science, have become in the 60's and 70's a subject of vivid discussion. There are philosophers who stress only the dependence of science upon various sociological, psycho logical and other factors and deny any internal laws of the development of knowledge, like approaching the truth. The majority rejects such nihilism and searches for the laws of the (...)
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    Murdered Father, Dead Father: Revisiting the Oedipus Complex.Rosine Jozef Perelberg - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Murdered Father, Dead Father: Revisiting the Oedipus Complex_ examines the progressive construction of the notion of paternal function and its central relevance in psychoanalysis. The distinction between the _murdered father _and the _dead father_ is seen as providing a paradigm for the understanding of different types of psychopathologies, as well as works of literature, anthropology and historical events. New concepts are introduced, such as "_a father is being beaten_", and a distinction between the _descriptive après coup_ and the _dynamic après (...)
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    Metodologia nauk – dzisiaj i jutro.Józef Bremer - 2020 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (1(219)):55.
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  9. Notes and news dialectics and humanism no. 2/1990.Laudatio Pour Mieczyslaw Jôzef-Maria Albert & Kra Piec - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17:235.
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  10. Lettre d'Aristote à Alexandre sur la politique envers les cités.Józef Risalat Aristutalis Ilá Al-Iskandar Fi Siyasat Al-Mudun, Marian Aristotle, Bielawski & Plezia (eds.) - 1970 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wydawn. Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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  11. Biologia a sens życia.Władysław J. H. Kunicki-Goldfinger - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Questions concerning the sense of existence and the goals of human life continue to be the fundamental questions asked by human beings. To answer these questions is to determine our relation to other people and to the world. According to the author, science (such as biology) does not give an answer to them.
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  12. Over recht en rechtvaardigheid.Willem Jacob Anton Jozef Duynstee - 1956 - 's-Hertogenbosch,: L.C.G. Malmberg.
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    Time, Space and Phantasy.Rosine Jozef Perelberg - 2008 - Routledge.
    _Time, Space, and Phantasy_ examines the connections between time, space, phantasy and sexuality in clinical practice. It explores the subtleties of the encounter between patient and analyst, addressing how aspects of the patient’s unconscious past are actualised in the present, producing new meanings that can be re-translated to the past. Perelberg’s analysis of Freud’s Multi-dimensional model of temporality suggests that he always viewed the constitution of the individual as non-linear. In Freud’s formulations, the individual is decentred and ruled by different (...)
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    De wijsgerige geesteshouding.Johannes Arnold Jozef Peters - 1946 - Nijmegen,: Dekker & Van de Vegt.
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  15. Hedendaagse visies op den mens.Johannes Arnold Jozef Peters - 1950 - Heerlen,: Winants.
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  16. Metaphysica.Johannes Arnold Jozef Peters - 1967 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Homo Barbarus w świecie algorytmów.Wojciech Józef Burszta - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (2):5-19.
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    Mental Disorder or Creative Gift?Józef Bremer - 2015 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 20 (1):73-98.
    In cases where one sense-modality is stimulated by another, we speak of synesthesia, i.e., of a subjective experience of multiple distinct sensations as being quite literally conjoined. The term “synesthesia” is derived indirectly from the Greek words “syn,” meaning “together,” and “aisthesis,” meaning “sensation.” This article focuses on the question of whether synesthesia is in fact a mental disorder or a creative gift. Both the commonsense views that have emerged in recent times, and neurological research, demonstrate that our knowledge of (...)
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    Logika & filozofia logiczna [Logik und logische Philosophie].Józef Bremer - 2001 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6:262-266.
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    Martin Heidegger und Ludwig Wittgenstein über das Schweigen.Józef Bremer - 2002 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7:150-152.
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    Mówienie o Bogu w erze cyfrowej.Józef W. Bremer - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (2):105-128.
    Cyfryzacja i związane z nią nowe technologie dynamicznie wkroczyły do wielu dziedzin naszego życia – zarówno publicznego (administracji, gospodarki, wojskowości, łączności, szkolnictwa itd.), jak i prywatnego. Symptomatycznym wyznacznikiem tej ekspansji są coraz szersze wykorzystywanie słabej (wąskiej) sztucznej inteligencji (_Artificial Narrow Intelligence _– ANI) oraz intensywne prace nad silną (ogólną) sztuczną inteligencją (_Artificial General Intelligence _– AGI), która pozostaje w sferze szczególnych zainteresowań transhumanizmu. AGI – według transhumanistów – byłaby pierwszym krokiem do stworzenia sztucznej superinteligencji (_Artificial Superintelligence _– ASI), która przekroczyłaby (...)
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  22.  13
    Prophecy and Christology in Olivi's Commentary on Isaiah 7:14.Zdzislaw Jozef Kijas Ofm Conv - 1999 - Franciscan Studies 57 (1):149-177.
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    Spiritual Development and Gratitude Among Indian Emerging Adults.Jobi Thomas Thurackal, Jozef Corveleyn & Jessie Dezutter - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (1):72-88.
    Gratitude, a significant Christian value, is regarded as a duty among Indians. The present study examines the role played by spiritual development in gratitude among the Indian population. The participants were emerging Indian male adults, aged between 18 and 30 years. The first sample is from 495 Catholic Indian seminarians with intensive spiritual training, and the second is from 504 Catholic Indian nonseminarians. We use the Gratitude Questionnaire-6 and the Spiritual Assessment Inventory in the study. The results show that the (...)
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    Boleslaw Jozef gawecki-a philosopher of the natural sciences.Jozef M. Dolega - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski (ed.), Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--75.
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    Wladyslaw szumowski: Forerunner of contemporary philosophy of medicine.Wladyslaw Szumowski - forthcoming - Analecta Husserliana.
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    In search of a political philosophy: ideologies at the close of the twentieth century.W. J. Stankiewicz - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In Search of a Political Philosophy is an analysis of the three democratic `isms'--conservatism, liberalism, and socialism--and of the distinct nature of the all-consuming ideology of Marxist communism. W. J. Stankiewicz is concerned with the conscious and unconscious assumptions of the proponents and followers of each ideology, and those of their theoreticians and critics. Stankiewicz examines the norms by which political ideologies are characterized, and discusses which of these are given precedence. He provides an analysis of how each (...)
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  27. Jozef Tischner (1931-2000): Dialogue on earth--the synergy of christianity and terrism.Jozef Tischner - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (9-10):123-124.
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  28. End-of-Life Decisions in Neonatology from a Children’s Rights Perspective: Dutch Developments Examined.Jozef Dorscheidt - 2015 - In Annie Janvier & Eduard Verhagen (eds.), Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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    Entre le classicisme et le romantisme, étude sur l'esthétique et les esthéticiens du XVIIIe siècle...Władysław Folkierski - 1969 - Paris,: H. Champion.
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    Entre le classicisme et la romantisme.Władysław Folkierski - 1925 - Cracovie,:
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  31. Medical ethics and bioethics in the Slovak Republic (1990–1992).Jozef Glasa - 1993 - International Journal of Bioethics 4:228-230.
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  32. Krytyka Reizmu.Władysław Gołębski - 1930 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 8 (3):255-274.
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  33. O Zagadnieniach podstawowych filozofii.Władysław Henrich - 1924 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 2 (3):269-302.
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  34. (1 other version)Wojna kultur w Ameryce i na świecie. Moralność mieszczańska czy etos rycerski remedium na kontrkulturę? Oraz kilka innych uwag na marginesie książki Gertrude Himmelfarb \"Jeden naród, dwie kultury\".Władysław Jóźwicki - 2010 - Civitas 12 (12).
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    Conclusions from the Experiences of the Modernists.Władysław Loranc & James Leech - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (3-4):43-52.
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    Pali Buddhist Texts-explained to the Beginner. Rune. E. A. Johansson.Wladyslaw Misiewicz - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 2 (3):168-169.
    Pali Buddhist Texts-explained to the Beginner. Rune. E. A. Johansson. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series No. 14 Curzon Press, London, Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1977 160 pp. £4.00.
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  37. Jewgienij Preobrażeński- podmiotowość klasy robotniczej a organizacja dyktatury proletariatu.Władysław Rychłowski - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 16 (5-6):255-262.
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    Manual of reformed Stoicism.Piotr Stankiewicz - 2020 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.
    This book is a manifesto of reformed Stoicism. It proposes a system of life which is bullet-proof, universal, viable and effective in every cosmic setting. It holds in every possible universe, under any government and within any economic system. We can be reformed Stoics no matter what we believe in. Reformed Stoicism is about enjoying and exercising our agency. In other words, it's about the flow of making autonomous and right decisions, and about celebrating our ability to make them. With (...)
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  39. Granice nauki-Granice etyki: W poszukiwaniu wspólnej perspektywy.Władysław Zuziak - 2004 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 40 (1):135-151.
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    L'agir humain et ses fondements métaphysiques chez Jacques Maritain.Władysław Zuziak - 1994 - Krakow: Wydawn. Nauk Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universite catholique de Louvain, 1990.
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  41. Values as a basis for human education - Personalistic approach.Wladyslaw Zuziak - 2017 - In Janis T. Ozolins (ed.), Civil society, education and human formation: philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education. New York: Routledge.
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    The regulatory intersections between artificial intelligence, data protection and cyber security: challenges and opportunities for the EU legal framework.Jozef Andraško, Matúš Mesarčík & Ondrej Hamuľák - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The presented paper focuses on the analysis of strategic documents at the level of the European Union concerning the regulation of artificial intelligence as one of the so-called disruptive technologies. In the first part of the article, we outline the basic terminology. Subsequently, we focus on the summarizing and systemizing of the key documents adopted at the EU level in terms of artificial intelligence regulation. The focus of the paper is devoted to issues of personal data protection and cyber security (...)
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  43.  12
    Does happiness write blank pages?: on stoicism and artistic creativity.Piotr Stankiewicz - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. Edited by Lawrence C. Becker.
    Stoicism is coming back in a big way. Seen as a remedy for the craziness of the times we live in, it is experiencing a great surge in academic and cultural interest. Yet, can one live stoically and be a creative artist at the same time? Delving into its underlying tenets, obscure restrictions and limits of applicability, Stankiewicz critically explores Stoicism and its complex association with artistic creativity. Stoicism and artistic creativity are two great displays of the human spirit. (...)
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  44. Aristotle on Vice.Jozef Müller - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (3):459-477.
    In this paper, I argue that the widely held view that Aristotle's vicious agent is a principled follower of a wrong conception of the good whose soul, just like the soul of the virtuous agent, is marked by harmony between his reason and non-rational desires is an exegetical mistake. Rather, Aristotle holds – consistently and throughout the Nicomachean Ethics – that the vicious agent lacks any real principles of action and that his soul lacks unity and harmony even more than (...)
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    A history of six ideas: an essay in aesthetics.Władysław Tatarkiewicz - 1980 - Hingham, MA: distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    The history of aesthetics, like the histories of other sciences, may be treated in a two-fold manner: as the history of the men who created the field of study, or as the history of the questions that have been raised and resolved in the course of its pursuit. The earlier History of Aesthetics (3 volumes, 1960-68, English-language edition 1970-74) by the author of the present book was a history of men, of writers and artists who in centuries past have spoken (...)
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    Podstawy wiedzy u Descartesa i Malebranche'a.Władysław Augustyn - 1973 - Warszawa]: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
  47. Tomasza Młodzianowskiego poglądy na materię.Władysław Augustyn - 1972 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 18.
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  48. Opening Wounds for the Sake of National Health.Władysław Bartoszewski - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (5-6):17-20.
  49. Kilka uwag o tożsamości i jedności podmiotu.Józef Bremer - 2006 - Diametros 7:228-230.
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  50. Aksjologiczne podstawy teorii wychowania.Władysław Cichoń - 1980 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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